Entity Structure Consult call.
When you are starting a NJ LLC , there are a lot of things to consider and a lot of decisions. Selecting the right entity type is a critical step and it’s one of the most important decisions an entrepreneur can make.
From liability protection to taxation, the type of business structure you choose will make an impact on your future profitability and success.
To help with this process, we set up a call to go over the below sample business structure chart. The call provides a high-level comparison of the most popular forms of business structure of an LLC and their attributes.
The call cost $100 and it may be fully tax deductible even if you do form the LLC as a startup expenses. Speak to your tax consultant for the deductibility if you do not form an LLC.
What is the value of the call ?
Save money.
Understand what is in your best interets.
Go over your goals and your budget to make the best struture.
Get a Orginazation Chart at the end of the call so you can see what it would look like.
Sample of what you get.
Organizational structure org charts can be harder to draw than management diagrams. Charts of ownership structure are inherently complex.
That complexity can make a mess of your organizational chart for most of the time it is all in your head. See how we can design an effective organizational structure chart in our consult call.
The call cost $100 and it may be fully tax deductible even if you do form the LLC as a startup expenses. Speak to your tax consultant for the deductibility if you do not form an LLC.