Get a DBA ( Doing Business As) Name
Let us file your DBA name and take care of all the State of NJ Paperwork. A unique business name can have a lasting, positive impact on your small business success.
Get your DBA today for $150 ( State Fees included, however we have a non-refundable fee of $15 to confirm your good standing with the NJ of $15).
What is the value of a DBA ?
You would like to use a name other than your LLC's official name.
With a DBA you can operate multiple business under one LLC.
You want to capture a different market under a new name
We take our time with every step:
STEP 1: Do Name Search
The fist step is to make sure the name you want is available in NJ.
STEP 2: Confirm the good standing of your LLC in NJ.
In NJ you can not process any DBA papers for an LLC if that LLC is not in good standing with NJ. If you have not paid your NJ annual reports on time you are not in good standing with NJ. We take a $15 non-refundable fee to confirm before we file the application.
STEP 3: File the DBA Application.
Once we have confirmed the good standing of your LLC we file the DBA application with the state of NJ. Depending on your needs we can have it completed in 72 hours for rush service.